Specialized Center of Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine
Neurology Physiotherapy and Physiotherapy Unit
Brief characteristic of the department of rehabilitation and sports medicine
The Specialized Center of Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine focuses on physical therapy for adults and children. We treat patients suffering from various diseases and conditions such as vertebrogenic disorders, neurological diseases, patients after surgeries, injuries of locomotive system, spine surgeries, as well as, patients with internal diseases.
Yearly, we hospitalize more than 630 patients and provide treatment for approximately 4.350 out-patients within our department. In other departments we rehabilitate roughly 13.500 patients.
Our physiotherapists work within 6 specialized centers in the University Hospital in Motol. Those centers are the Specialized Center of Cardiovascular Surgery, the Specialized Center of Neurology, the Specialized Center of Orthopedics, the Specialized Center of Pulmonology, the Spinal Cord Unit and of course the Specialized Center of Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine.
How will your detailed schedule look like? What type of procedures, methods or treatment can you observe? Check what can you see by shadowing every member of the mentoring team.
Is this specialty placement ideal for you?
- If you are interested in physical therapy, neurology and sports medicine, apply for this placement. You will witness the preparation of patients before surgery, the post-operative care as well as the therapy of adult and children suffering from injuries, internal, neurological and other diseases. Another part is our regular work at outpatient department of Physiotherapy Unit where we work closely and regularly with our patients on their physical progress. We will show you various methods of physical therapy as well as its application on specific neurological cases.
- This specialty is ideal for you, if you aspire to become a physiotherapist, or doctor focused on neurology. At this type of placement you will gain a valuable insight into these fields and see the patients dealing with the health problems in this area.
Lets' take a closer look at the specialties…
Some of our physiotherapists are working in our Specialized Center of Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine in the Physiotherapy Unit. Majority of our physiotherapists, however, works permanently in other specialized centers, because their assistance is indispensable. For that reason we closely cooperate with 6 specialized centers within the University Hospital in Motol. Among those specialized centers is the Specialized Center of Neurology.
Neurological physical therapy at the Specialized Center of Neurology is a program specializing on patients with trauma, diseases or disorders of the nervous system. Our goal is to reduce symptoms, and improve the well-being of the patient. We try to satisfy the needs of every single patient in our neurological physical therapy program. The success of the physiotherapy however, doesn't only depend on the doctor, but also on the patient and their family.
Other prerequisite necessary for success is a variation of aids and devices. From orthotic aids, splints or MOTOmeds, to complex instruments designed with the principle of biofeedback.
In the Physiotherapy Unit we focus on direct manipulation of muscles, joints and other parts of the body affected by an injury or chronic illness. Individual regimens depend on various factors including type of injury or condition, patient’s age and other. Physiotherapy is either used to address the injury itself or to help patient compensate for the loss of use. Our main goal is to ease our patients' pain and allow them to enjoy their lives.
Who do we take care of?
Neurological physical therapy session may last anywhere from 45 minutes to 90 minutes depending on the severity of patient's condition.
At Physiotherapy Unit at the Specialized Center of Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine we treat in-patients and out-patients with various issues. The path of therapy is long and it requires a lot of effort on patient's and doctor's side. The therapy schedule has to be adjusted accordingly every session to ensure patients' satisfaction. Contrary to the general believe therapy is not only about physical improvements, but psychological treatment is also an element necessary for successful therapy. Out-patient therapy usually lasts 45 minutes twice a week, while the hospitalized patients require more lengthy sessions up to 1 and a half hours.
Our methods and procedures
During the therapy in the Specialized Center of Neurology we use following methods and procedures:
When we perform therapies in the Physiotherapy Unit a variety of methods and procedures has to be applied:
- Reflex locomotion method
- Dynamic neuromuscular stabilization
- Soft tissue mobilization
- Stretching
- Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation stretching
- Bobath concept
How does the usual schedule lool like?
- Our mentoring team works on a regular schedule without any fluctuations. Work here is therefore ideal for people who like fixed working hours. We focus on both inpatient and outpatient care, the minimum of 25 hours in the hospital is guaranteed.
If you are not sure whether this choice is suitable for you, don't hesitate to contact us. We will discuss your experience and motivation and come up with the best solution for you.