Recent Blog articles from Discover the Medical Specialties

Epilepsy - the Disease that can Develop at any Age, any Time: Is there any Cure?

Epilepsy affects about 50 million people worldwide, making that one of the most common neurological diseases at all. This disorder can develop in any stage of life. However, mostly it occurs in pediatric and elderly patients. What daily complications it brings to the sufferers? What is the cause of the disease, will we ever know? How it can develop during time? And finally, is there a chance to beat it?

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  • 8/30/2016

  • Czech Hospital Placements

  • Discover the Medical Specialties

  • 2249

The Secret of Successful Therapy: Understanding and Communication

Top ice-hockey player Jaromir Jagr, tennis player and Olympic gold medalist Radek Stepanek or former president Vaclav Havel. Except their Czech nationality, what do these famous people have in common? They all have been provided with physiotherapy by clinician Professor PaeDr. Pavel Kolar, Ph.D. And not only them. The world renowned physical therapist and his colleagues take care of the Czech Olympic team, Davis Cup team, Soccer team and of the national ice hockey players. The list of the patients is still not completed...

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  • 8/16/2016

  • Czech Hospital Placements

  • Discover the Medical Specialties

  • 3196

Anesthesiology? All-embracing Medical Specialty

How to sum up in a few sentences the beauty of the anesthesiology specialty? We asked the experts for you. How does Doctor Martina, an anesthesiologist and mentor of the CHP Program, describe the spirit of the work of her and her colleagues? “The anesthesiologist has the opportunity to guide patients through various surgeries as gently as possible. They try to relieve the patient’s pain and take part in solving a patients’ problems, sometimes even life-saving. All of these aspects are a great satisfaction.”

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  • 7/11/2016

  • Czech Hospital Placements

  • Discover the Medical Specialties

  • 3189

Dangerous Health Conditions: Everyday Reality in the ARU

Patients who are in critical conditions and suffer from corruption of their vital functions are treated in the Resuscitation Unit for Adults and Children. These patients require the best possible care and quick decision-making on part of the personnel, because every second can mean difference between life and death...

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  • 6/24/2016

  • Czech Hospital Placements

  • Discover the Medical Specialties

  • 2410

Do You Love Physics, Medicine and Science? Then Nuclear Medicine and Endocrinology is the Right Choice for You!

Nuclear medicine and endocrinology use combination of physics and medicine in order to provide the best possible care for patients suffering from cancer of the thyroid gland, as well as patients diagnosed with more serious forms of thyroidal orbitopathy and other diseases.

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  • 6/22/2016

  • Czech Hospital Placements

  • Discover the Medical Specialties

  • 4521