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Student of the Week: Deniza, the Future Obstetrician?

Written by Czech Hospital Placements on Wednesday, November 1, 2017

CHP Program, student's review, Obstetrics, Gynecology, Neurosurgery

Deniza is 22 a years-old pre-medical student of the University of West Georgia who came to Prague to shadow our professional mentoring teams in Obstetrics and Gynecology and Neurosurgery specialties. She comes from Macedonia and she plans to apply to US medical school next year. Her expectations from the CHP Program were to be able to discover which specialty would be the most suitable as well as finding an inspiration for her personal statement and application. She shares with us her favorite moment that happened during the night shift at Obstetrics and Gynecology Specialized Center in the following review.

The journey of our students pursuing their desired field of study is often a source of tremendous inspiration to us. Among our Alumni are a lot of them who didn't hesitate to travel across continents like Deniza from Macedonia, a pre-medical student (4th year) at the University of West Georgia.

The CHP Program was not the first clinical experience to Deniza: "I have job-shadowed the Regional West Medical Center in Nebraska as part of my college program. While there, I had the opportunity to go a couple of times to the UNMC, during the Ebola outbreak which was one of the first research Ebola centers and encountered the first Ebola patients. It was a great experience to be able to discuss with medical researchers and doctors the background and factors behind the infectious diseases, methods of protection and the research and investigation they were developing to fight it."

Nevertheless, she describes her two weeks od medical shadowing in Neurosurgery and Obstetrics and Gynecology specialties with us as beyond amazing. To be able to see by herself laparoscopies, cranioplasties, resections of brain tumors, C-sections and spontaneous deliveries that she previously only read about is a life-changing experience that helped to reassure her she pursues the right goal.

We are more than glad we were able to fulfill her initial expectations:"I expect that this program will help me out to narrow down my interests in medicine and see which field I am most competent in and can pursue my appeals in. I do also expect that my placement will influence me and inspire me for my personal statement and application that I am in the process of preparing when I apply to the med schools in the US in the upcoming year."

Wishing Deniza the best of luck and looking forward to more UWG students!

Considering to apply? Schedule a call with our Program Manager, Barbora, to answer you all your questions! Contact us via and we will make it happen.

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