Recent Blog articles from The Better Health Care Professional Podcast

CHP Program launches the Better Health Care Professional Podcast
Better Health Care Professional is the new podcast where we focus on deep conversation with experts on skills in healthcare which we would have wished to learn during our university studies. In the first episodes, we will focus on innovation, fighting misinformation in the COVID-era, communication with media, mental well-being of health providers and explaining data to the public.
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Czech Hospital Placements
The Better Health Care Professional Podcast

Better Health Care Professional: Innovation in the COVID-19 crisis with doctor Radek Mounajjed
The pandemic of COVID-19 exposed, apart from the fragility of national healthcare systems, how essential the soft skills of healthcare professionals are. That is why we put together a series of talks with experts on current topics based on their own professional experience while giving the best practice for health providers.
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Czech Hospital Placements
The Better Health Care Professional Podcast
Behind the Scenes of the University Hospital in Motol
Being a Healthcare Student
Best Adventures While Travelling
Discover the Medical Specialties
Inspiration: Practical Experience of Healthcare Professionals
Obsolete vs. Visionary
The Better Health Care Professional Podcast
Tips and Tricks for Your Successful Career
Top News in Healthcare
Travels in COVID-era