Recent Blog articles

Better Health Care Professional: Innovation in the COVID-19 crisis with doctor Radek Mounajjed

The pandemic of COVID-19 exposed, apart from the fragility of national healthcare systems, how essential the soft skills of healthcare professionals are. That is why we put together a series of talks with experts on current topics based on their own professional experience while giving the best practice for health providers.

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  • 8/2/2021

  • Czech Hospital Placements

  • The Better Health Care Professional Podcast

  • 1420

CHP Program launches the Better Health Care Professional Podcast

Better Health Care Professional is the new podcast where we focus on deep conversation with experts on skills in healthcare which we would have wished to learn during our university studies. In the first episodes, we will focus on innovation, fighting misinformation in the COVID-era, communication with media, mental well-being of health providers and explaining data to the public.

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  • 8/2/2021

  • Czech Hospital Placements

  • The Better Health Care Professional Podcast

  • 1913

On the Final Day Of My Placement, I Called My Parents And Told Them, With More Conviction And Certainty Than Ever Before, That I Was Going To Be A Doctor

The day before I flew to Prague to attend the Czech Hospital Placements program, I thought I was certain in my desire to become a doctor.  During the ensuing two weeks, I realized that I had never truly understood the lifestyle that is practicing medicine.  On the final day of my placement, I called my parents and told them, with more conviction and certainty than ever before, that I was going to be a doctor.

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  • 6/10/2021

  • Hannah Martin

  • Being a Healthcare Student

  • 1261

All You Need to Know About the COVID Pass Once Planning Your Trip to Europe - Important Update for US Travelers

The COVID pass, also known as the Digital Green Certificate in Europe, is an online vaccine or health passport that shall make your travels easier. Find out all the important information while your planning your CHP Program's placement in Europe.

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  • 6/2/2021

  • Czech Hospital Placements

  • Travels in COVID-era

  • 1909

CHP Program Alumna and Student Ambassador: Mira from United States, Concord Academy

In late 2019 we started with CHP Student Ambassadors' network and we would like to introduce you Mira, student of Concord Academy who participated in the CHP Program this summer with her friend RJ. We are very proud to receive here such talented young students. What are Mira's tips and tricks on medical shadowing? How to be a great mentee? What would Mira advise to students who think about applying to the CHP Program or other specialty shadowing programs?

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  • 12/13/2019

  • Czech Hospital Placements

  • Being a Healthcare Student

  • 1679