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What Do Neurosurgeons Love about their Specialty?

Written by Czech Hospital Placements on Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Neurosurgery Mentors University Hospital Teaching Motol Shadowing CHP Program

Neurosurgeons are in charge of the most amazing thing we know within all the universe - the human brain. When it comes to the work of neurosurgeons, mistakes are unacceptable. Neurosurgery is considered to be one of the most complex and difficult specialties. What motivates the neurosurgeons to do their job with passion and 100% concentration?

Neurosurgery is very exciting. We have the opportunity to see our patients recover from a brain tumor after 5 or 10 years. Personally, I like surgeries to treat brain tumors – especially conscious surgeries with the localization of multiple centers, the implementation of vagal stimulators to treat epilepsy, and surgeries of the cervical spine that usually have excellent results, surgeries of specific states that are connected with pain, and finally also the surgical reconstruction of the skull. There are very interesting examination methods that help us diagnose a disease and also to understand how the brain works. For example, a functional MRI in combination with brain surgery when the patient is conscious gives us a chance to find the centers for learning foreign languages, composing music, or enjoying fine wine.

What I love about the work of a neurosurgeon is that I am being constantly challenged and forced to improve. It is a complex specialty and its methods, devices, and procedures are being evolved and improved almost every day. Another motivation for me is my colleagues. They are very intelligent, ambitious, and passionate people skilled in the field of neurosurgery. Another huge benefit is that in the University Hospital in Motol, there is a tremendous amount of specialized centers that are all able to cooperate and use their equipment to provide the best possible mental and physical care for our patients.

I like everything about my job. I have always been fascinated by anatomy, but what I love most about neurosurgery now is the accuracy; it is a precise and clean profession. A new world lies under the microscope, and it is fascinating to see tissue through a surgical microscope. I enjoy working with microsurgical equipment, although it has to be used with caution. Other than the satisfaction from a successful operation, I find it very heartwarming when a happy patient or their parents come to me to say thank you. Appreciation is very nice, and the best feeling comes from seeing a healthy patient walk away.

It feels great to help people and work with them. Surgery is the most exciting part of our work, as it fully respects the interests of patients. The great aspect of working at the University Hospital in Motol is the variety of methods and procedures that we provide within the Specialized Center of Neurosurgery. In spinal surgery, we specialize predominantly on minimally invasive surgeries with an expected success rate of 90%. We have an extensive neurotraumatology program, and we are the biggest trauma center in Czech Republic. We have a comprehensive neuro oncologic program and we intensively develop the epileptic surgery program for adults. In the pediatric ward, such center is already working as one of the only two in the Czech Republic.

Check the profiles of the Neurosurgery team members to know more about their lives as healthcare professionals. 

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