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The Most Magical Moment of a Doctor´s Job?

Written by Czech Hospital Placements on Thursday, May 26, 2016

University Hospital In Motol Mentors Shadowing Operating Room Baby Gynecology Obstetrics Delivery

Long shifts, stressful nights, no sleep - an inevitable part of a healthcare profession? Yes. But they say there is one moment which let all the negatives dissapear. Which one it is?

The miracle of new baby being born is the most amazing moment for women all around the world. In addition to their families, there is also someone else who is happy when healthy little person begins his or her life. The Doctors and nurses! When we have asked Obstetricians and Gynecologists from the University Hospital in Motol (the largest one in the Czech Republic) what they do love most about their specialty, we have found some similarity in their aswers. Even though they are all men :) 


It was in the 5th year of my medical studies during a teaching internship when I came across Obstetrics and Gynecology for the first time. Soon after that, I was drawn in by the diversity of these specialties. In this field, you work with female patients of all ages. My first experience in the delivery room started a new chapter in my life; I believe it was at that time that I fell in love with this profession, and I remain interested in it to this day.

- MUDr. Vít Drochýtek, doctor

The aspect of my work that I love the most is the variety it brings, as the obstetrics and gynecology specialty includes a wide range of treatments. In obstetrics, we treat predominantly young and healthy patients, accompany them throughout the entire process of pregnancy, and, in the end, we witness the most beautiful thing of all, the birth of a child.

- MUDr. Martin Hruda, Gynecologist, Obstetrician

The main reason why I have chosen obstetrics are the situations where usually healthy women bring new generations of descendants to our world.

- MUDr. Tomáš Pichlík, Gynecologist & Obstetrician



There is so much more about this specialty to discover - wait for our next article on the CHP Blog  or get to know more directly.


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