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8 Facts You Didn't Know about Uterus Transplant

Written by Czech Hospital Placements on Saturday, May 28, 2016

Uterus Womb Transplant Transplantation Fertility Infertility Pregnancy Birth University Hospital in Motol Candidates

Uterus transplant from living or deceased organ donors is the only hope for women who can't have children. Find out more about the complex and delicate procedure that brings hope to future mothers around the globe.

The team of the Göteborgs universitet developed the procedure as well as the research project that lead to the transplant of the human womb. In October 2014 the first baby was born after the uterus transplant in Sweden. For BBC News the father of the baby boy said "He's no different from any other child, but he will have a good story to tell.'' cool The Czech Republic has now become one of the six countries where uterus transplant was successfuly carried out. Discover more about this procedure.

Infrographic - Uterus Transplant

The team of doctors from the University Hospital in Motol together with the Institute of Clinical and Experimental Medicine sucessfuly performed uterus transplant on a patient in April 2016.

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