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Don´t Go to the University Interview until You Read these 5 Tips to Succeed in It

Written by Czech Hospital Placements on Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Student School University Interview Career Motivation Medicine Admission Tips

Your interview is scheduled? Congrats! Being invited for an interview is already a great achievement itself. Be proud. Your application was strong! It is the breaking point of your application. This is the time to persuade the admissions committee you belong to that school and healthcare is your true passion. You have about 20 minutes to do that...

The way how the interview will be conducted in the particular school is an important information, that is why you should do your research and have a look at the information provided by the school and try to speak to people who already went through the process to give you some insider tips. The point of the whole interview is to give your interviewer or the committee two most important answers on the following questions:

  • Why do you want to be the healthcare professional?
  • Why should this school accept your application?

The first impression is just one. We bring you five tips you cannot forget the night before your big day!  

Dress well

Your look is the part of the first impression and it shows you know the social context of the interview and respect the occassion. Imagine this would be your job interview. How would you get dressed? Definitely not jeans and your favorite t-shirt. Wear a nice dress or suit and make sure your shoes are cleaned. Try it on before your interview to make sure you feel comfortable. Girls, if you are not used to wearing high heels, leave them at home and wear flats instead. Having uncomfortable clothes and shoes will make you even more stressed.


You realize how important this moment is and everybody is nervous, that is the part of the experience. A few minutes before you enter, drink some water, refresh yourself with a deodorant and clean wipes , and eat few mints for fresh breath.

Shaking hands

Sometimes the committee will want to shake hands with you. Wait for them, don’t initiate. They are the authority; they have to show that they want to shake hands with you. Anyway, practice a firm handshake and the eye contact during the handshake. 

Be positive and passionate

The school looks for applicants with a positive and passionate attitude towards the profession and the school itself. If you say that “A doctor does a lot of paperwork, and I am definitely not looking forward to it” or answer the question of what you enjoyed on your practival experience in the hospital with a reply what all was hard and difficult for you and what you didn´t like, the interviewer would question your commitment and your attitude.

Be mindful of your body language

Non-verbal communication is an often overlooked aspect of an interview. It is a huge part of the impression you make and how you present yourself. Try and take some time to watch educated and well-versed orators in interviews or presentations. See what they’re doing with their hands, when they’re making eye contact with the public and what their body language displays.

As practice makes perfect, one of the CHP Program Tutorials being held after your shadowing hours in the hospital is focused on this topic. We will prepare you for a universityinterview - lets go togehter through Do´s and Dont´s when it comes to this part of your admission process. We will tell you specifically what to avoid and what to highlight in your speech. Get ready with the Czech Hospital Placements Program. 

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