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Get inspired: What is the Secret of @eldocjuanma, Doctor and Instagram Influencer?

Written by Czech Hospital Placements on Sunday, January 22, 2017

Doctor Juan, Career Motivation, Healthcare Professional, Social Media Influencers, Instagram ,Olympics, Get Inspired

We are happy to introduce to you another healthcare social media influencer doctor Juan M. Arellano Hernández known on Instagram as @eldocjuanma. Juan with over 39.000 followers dreamed about becoming a doctor ever since he was a child. Apart from his job in the hospital, this ambitious professional works as a medical coordinator in an NGO Unidaspor Mexico and he volunteered during Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games 2016. He communicates mainly in Spanish and his followers love him. What is the secret of his success on social media? Get inspired by the #CHPProgram!

Juan chooses engaging content. While looking at his account, you can see that many of his posts are photos from his professional and family life, medical jokes, and other pics related to his profession that capture his attention and the one of his followers. He posts about his volunteer activities and the causes he is interested in, too.

He supports and values his colleagues in the hospital. On this post he celebrates nurses and their personal contribution to every healthcare team.

Source: @eldocjuanma

He cares for the important aspects of being a doctor, like humanity. See the repost of Juan's colleague, surgeon Christian H. Flores @chrishdez1 where he shares his first experience of child birth in social services.

Source: @eldocjuanma

He asks his followers about their opinions. Such as on the latest news and technology gadgets in healthcare like wearable chair called Archelis for surgeons to help them to carry on during long surgeries without reducing the space of the OR. This chair was designed by Nitto company in Yokohama together with students of medical engineering at Chiba University, Hiroaki Nishimura Design and Japan Polymer Technology. 

Source: @eldocjuanma

Juan went through the same path, as all students have to go, so he knows all of the obstacles it can bring. But finally, he did it, and so can you. Here are the advices directly from the social media influencer @eldocjuanma:

Why have you become a doctor?

I think it is the satisfaction to help others. There are great jobs out there. But at the end of the day...only doctors can be there through sickness and bad days. I think that when you realize how much you can touch patients' life, it is impossible to don't love being a doctor. 

What is the secret of your Insta account? Why so many people follow you and like your posts?

It is kind of funny. I have never expected to be a blogger or anything like that. But when I started posting my own stories in Medicine school and in the hospital, people started to feel identified. That is how the engagement was born. And I think that is the secret not only in IG, but in life...BE YOURSELF, people love that!

Source: @eldocjuanma

What would be your advice to young students to help them on their path in healthcare?

Enjoy the path. One of the most common situations for medicine students, its the urgent necessity to finish school! "it is so hard", "there are so many years", "so hard and long shifts". Don't overthink it. Enjoy the end, time will pass anyway. Make it a nice journey. 

Who are your personal heroes and role models you admire?

I definitely admire my parents, they are both big role models for me as human beings (and we doctors need to be great humans).In the medical area I admire a lot of friends of mine, great doctors. But a famous one... PATCH ADAMS! Wow, love his story and the out of the box personality. 

What are your favorite social media accounts to follow?

I like to follow motivational accounts, there is nothing better than waking up at 5:00 am and read a motivational quote to boost you up. And actually thats the name of an account "5am_success"... and there is a couple of them!

Many thanks to Juan for his inspiration to us and other healthcare nerds smile

Aside from our study program Czech Hospital Placements, offering short term hospital work experience in more than 15 specialties, our passion is to bring you inspiration, motivation and valuable information for your health care career journey. Our aim is to build a supportive network for young students around the globe. If you want to share with us and other students your own story, do not hesitate to get in touch with us via FB, Insta or email

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