5 Best Tips for Items in Medical and Nursing Bags
Written by Czech Hospital Placements Program on Monday, March 27, 2017
What's in My Bag, Youtube, Medical Bag, Student, Being a Healthcare Student

If you are a social media addict like us, you couldn't miss "what's in my bag" challenge in which thousands of people engaged. We wanted to know how medical and nursing students' bags look like. Which are our favorite ones? Do you carry the same stuff in your bag?
Some of us need just keys, notebook, cell phone and purse when leaving home. But on the other hand some people are highly organized and the rest of us often asks them "Do you have an extra...?" .These medical and nursing students were willing to share their tips and tricks during the "what's in my bag" challenge. We searched a bit online for you and these are our favourite medical and nursing bags!
1. Notebook, pens and highlighters are a MUST
Source: jackysodyssey.com
This nursing bag belongs to Jackyline from Massachusets, who shares her study life on her blog and other social media platforms. She discribes what essentials must be in her bag for clinical rotations. Apart from other items, Jackyline stresses the basics:
"Notebook, pen, highlighters and a clipboard everyone is entailed to carry these items as learning is normally an unceasing process so you wouldn’t want to miss noting down some keynote points in learning hours. It is not in orderliness to always be the one scrounging an extra pen from your colleagues, so make sure you carry a couple of them."
We love the colors! Have a look at Jacky's blog if you are a nursing student, you won't regret it.
2. Cards to say a simple "Thank you"
Source: lifehacker.com
This backpack is shared by a pre-med undergrad student Nicholas who spends quite some hours away from home every day as you do, too. Still there was one thing that captured our attention. Do you see number 4?
"Blank notecards, envelopes and stamps: Randy Pausch (of Last Lecture-fame) mentioned the importance of writing physical thank you cards in his '07 Time Management Lecture. I try to write at least one thank you card a week."
Nice idea and step towards others, isn't it?
3. Stylish stethoscope for every future healthcare professional, please
Source: TheStriveToFit
Once speaking about organization and sharing tips and tricks with other fellow students, we cannot leave out Jamie and her advice. Stethoscope is a typical thing you find in a nurse's or med student's bag. Vloger Jamie, a 3rd year med student and etrepreneur, who has one of our favorite Youtube accounts @TheStriveToFit , is not an exception. When watching her bag stuff one-by-one, you know this young lady loves science and medicine as well as coffee and style.
4. Superhero Coat
Source: Cassandra Ikegbune
Blogger Cassie Daves - a young doctor currently doing rotations in LUTH - has a great sense for fashion and blogging skills that were sharpen over the years since 2013. We mostly appreciate her elegant style. What is her no. 1 item?
"Clinical Coat: Because clinical coat is an essential for every medical student."
We reccommend Cassie's articles from the series Housejob Chronicles if you want to know more about her own healthcare professional experience.
5. Organized bag
Source: Adriel Nicole
If you like original bags, you will probably love the one of another vloger and senior nursing student Adriel. In her vlog she goes through every item she carries in it giving tips of where she bought the items essential to her. Enjoy.
What is inside your bag? Is there something special you would not leave your home without? Let us know at info@chpprogram.com!
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