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One Working Day with Neurosurgery Team

Your personality doesn't determine the specialty you will be successful in. Everybody's approach towards patients, the organization of the work and the way how he or she engages in the team with colleagues in the specialized center and other health care professionals differ. A lot. Everyone has own strengths and weaknesses and in a strong team, you complete one another. Neurosurgery team at the University Hospital in Motol is one of the strong, united and effective teams and while being in their company you understand that it's a privilege to be a part of it even for a day.

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  • 7/26/2017

  • Czech Hospital Placements

  • Inspiration: Practical Experience of Healthcare Professionals

  • 4462

Top Surgeries in University Hospital in Motol: 1st Sacral Neuromodulation Surgery

CHP Program's partner - University Hospital in Motol - is a top-notch healthcare facility where amazing surgeries are done every day. Neurostimulator Implantation is a new technique helping patients with bladder control problems. Healthcare professionals from the University Hospital in Motol had performed this operation for the first time in the Czech Republic on a forty-one years old patient suffering from an overactive bladder.

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  • 7/14/2017

  • Czech Hospital Placements

  • Behind the Scenes of the University Hospital in Motol

  • 4794

Helping Others First

To meet Roman Gebauer, a congenital cardiac surgeon focusing on inborn heart defects in children, means you are meeting the real professional with a strong international reputation and years of experience abroad. When you speak with him about the medical humanitarian missions he's taken part in for numerous years all around the world or about the role of women in healthcare, the time flies by incredibly fast.

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  • 7/13/2017

  • Czech Hospital Placements

  • Inspiration: Practical Experience of Healthcare Professionals

  • 3956

Student of the Week: Jia Jia, the Future Pediatrician from Harvard

In our Student of the Week series, we will introduce one of our students and their experience during the program. Jia Jia Zhang comes from the Pacific island of Guam, USA, and she is a Harvard freshman with an interest in Neurosurgery, Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery specialties, in which she shadowed several CHP Program mentors during her 3 weeks placement in the University Hospital in Motol. What was her experience like and how does she feel as a healthcare professional-to-be?

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  • 7/12/2017

  • Czech Hospital Placements

  • Being a Healthcare Student

  • 4759

Top Surgeries in University Hospital in Motol: The Way of the New Lung from the Donor to the Recipient

CHP Program partner - University Hospital in Motol - is a top and well-known healthcare facility. We bring you the news about interesting surgeries and procedures you may witness. Lung transplant is an operation conducted to remove and replace patient's diseased lung or lungs with a healthy one from another person. In the majority of cases lung transplants are coming from deceased organ donors, but in some situations a part of lung is removed from a living donor.  In the Czech Republic, this complex procedure is performed only in the University Hospital in Motol. What are the typical diseases requiring the treatment in the form of a lung transplant? What steps need to be taken one by one for successful transplant?

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  • 4/24/2017

  • Czech Hospital Placements Program

  • Behind the Scenes of the University Hospital in Motol

  • 4353